Evie Shafner, LMFT

Is Your Partner Emotionally Invested Enough In Your Relationship?

Is Your Partner Emotionally Invested Enough In Your Relationship?
by Evie Shafner, LMFT

Is Your Relationship on a Road to Nowhere?
by Evie Shafner, LMFT

Is Your Partner Emotionally Invested Enough In Your Relationship
It takes time to get to know someone - that's what the dating period is for. And you can't rush things, either, things need air and space to bloom. In the beginning of a relationship there is so much promise and excitement and our partner may have initially came in very strong, which opens up our dreams for the future. 

This can make it hard to tell ourselves the truth down the road if things aren't going well anymore. But a vote for yourself is one in which you are willing to see the truth - and willing to go through loss- to avoid a much bigger heartache later. Here are some of the signs you need to look for if you are feeling like your partner might not be emotionally invested in your relationship any longer.  

  • Notice if you are making excuses for them or having a "but they were really loving last week" kind of rationalizations over and over again.  

  • You're getting a lot of mixed signals about how much they care and how much time they want to spend with you. You need to pay the most attention to what you are NOT getting. 

  • Does your partner meet your emotional needs? Are they are uncomfortable with your display of emotions? Do they show empathy? Do they distance themselves repeatedly? If you got into this relationship because you wanted a safe partner who loves you warts and all, and isn't scared by your feelings - than this might not be the person for you.
  • If you often feel anxious, confused, and long for more from your partner and you are a mature person who is not overly clingy and demanding, then this is a big red flag. There needs to be a sense of mutuality as the relationship progresses. 

  • Do you have the feeling that they are crazy about you, that you are their number one? If you don't have that now, you might never have that with them.

  • Overall, is your partner interested in you? Do they ask questions about your day? Does what you feel matter to them?

  • Do they distance themselves a lot? I.e. sometimes available, but often times not?

You want to be in a relationship with someone who is comfortable with intimacy, puts you first, can talk about the future, and stays kind and connected most of the time. If not, vote for yourself! Seek the truth, it will set you free - and make room for the universe to send you someone who CAN do those things.
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